Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bonfire Pics


Bonfire, a set on Flickr.

Here are some pictures from my bonfire last night. I tried out some time-lapsed as well as aperture priority stills.

Hello Rain, Goodbye Sun!

It was awesome to finally have the warmth of the sun for the last few weeks, but I am definitely happy to see, hear, and feel the rain again.  The last week has just killed me allergy-wise, so this rain has already helped me immensely. I can at least breath halfway normal again, especially when I first wake up.  Although I knew it was going to rain today, I did not think it was going to rain this morning.  I had thought it would be more throughout the latter part of the day.  I am glad I got my bonfire in last night at my Aunt's house. I paid for it with my allergies, but who can resist a bonfire?  Well, it was not really a bonfire in our typical sense, but it was a fire where we typically have bonfires.  It was  nice and I really enjoyed myself.