Why do we have to demolition another old building in Tacoma? Is there not another solution to be had instead of removing another long-standing and well remembered building in Tacoma? I am talking about the First Congregational Church (click for article). I realize 40 people cannot pay for the upkeep of such a large structure, however, it should not be demolition, regardless. It is already is a prime spot and in very short walking distances to Wright Park that is not even a block north of it. A prime spot for it to stay and be converted into anything other than demotion. I am sure MultiCare will try to snap it up in its ever growing medical complex sprawl just like the last church they demo'd a few years ago. Need I remind anyone of the last historic removal that to this day still stink to high noon? No? Here, let me refresh your minds: UW Tacoma work erases historic iconic image from building (News Tribune). Nuff said.
First Congregational Church on Google Maps:
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First Congregational Church on Google Maps:
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