Monday, May 21, 2012

No to Demo! Keep the 104 year old building.

Why do we have to demolition another old building in Tacoma? Is there not another solution to be had instead of removing another long-standing and well remembered building in Tacoma?  I am talking about the First Congregational Church (click for article).  I realize 40 people cannot pay for the upkeep of such a large structure, however, it should not be demolition, regardless. It is already is a prime spot and in very short walking distances to Wright Park that is not even a block north of it.  A prime spot for it to stay and be converted into anything other than demotion. I am sure MultiCare will try to snap it up in its ever growing medical complex sprawl just like the last church they demo'd a few years ago.   Need I remind anyone of the last historic removal that to this day still stink to high noon? No? Here, let me refresh your minds: UW Tacoma work erases historic iconic image from building (News Tribune). Nuff said.

First Congregational Church on Google Maps:

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A Good Move For Thea Foss Waterway

I just read the article from the News Tribune "New welcome for Thea Foss Waterway" about a compass motif being painted on one of the tanks in Thea Foss waterway, and I must say that I am very pleased to see someone finally give the waterway a due recognition.  Many folks in and around Tacoma do not know accurately where the waterway is located, so it is not hard to see why boaters would not either. Although not exactly easy to describe when telling folks, most just lump it into Commencement Bay, which it is not.  Yes, technically it is linked directly to Commencement Bay, however, Thea Foss waterway is as standalone and important to Tacoma as the Narrows Bridges (past & present), Alber's Mill and Union Station is.  Thea Foss Waterway has its own strong, defined history. Many thanks to the Thea Foss, the Foss Family, and Foss Maritime.

Warning: Rant below!

Seattle often feels the need to downgrade & cheapen what Tacoma does and lately many folks here are doing the same.  Tacoma throughout its history has always gone off and done its own thing and from time to time, bailing out Seattle when Seattle got in over its head.  I am quite proud about Tacoma and love this city.  I digress, I am very happy that NuStar is funding Stan Selden's dream. One last thing about Seattle: Mt Rainier is NOT THAT LARGE BEHIND THE SPACE NEEDLE! Never Has Been. Never Will Be.  I live approximately 50 miles from Mt. Rainier and Seattle is at least 75 miles from it. You can SEE the difference when in Seattle.   Seattle is in King County. Tacoma & Mt. Rainier are in Pierce County. Shame on you, Seattle! Always pilfering shit that was never yours to begin with.

By the way, compasses rock! I have a tattoo of one planned for this year.  Maybe I will incorporate "253" or Tacoma into it. We will see.

Thea Foss Waterway on Google Maps:

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A Normal Day in Pacific Northwest

A lovely rainy morning
(Heading South from Federal Way)
Man, what a lovely morning it is!  No, I am not being sarcastic.  It truly is a lovely morning with the rain falling and warm, albeit humid temperature.  Of course, you could say I am extra grateful and cheery because I am not working in it.  That is true, very true.  If I were working in the rain today, it would be a bitch.  It is just wet enough outside for the power tools to trip the GFCIs on the Spider Boxes. And if you are hold your cards just right, the power tool will even share some of its electricity with you.  Those are the best days! Sharing is caring, especially with electrified devices.

Anyway, driving south towards home was rather nice.  Traffic Northbound was completely fubar'd, but not so bad you could not get to work on time.  Idiots -- cough, out-of-staters -- panicking and freaking out that it is raining after all of those blissful warm and sunny days.  It happens just about every time it rains here after sunny weather.

Checked on my compost piles this morning.  One is cooking just ever so happily, but the other is not.  Not only is it not heating up very much, it has shrunk.  Now, the shrinking is not a bad thing, but in combination with no heat, it means I am going to have to add more nitrogen to the mix.  I was pretty sure my ratio was spot on, but maybe I carried the 1 when I should not have. Go figure.   I have six trash bins full of grass at my Aunt's place ready for pick-up. I will add them shortly, since this rain is only going to make the grass around her house and in her field grow even faster once it passes.