Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013!

Well, it is the end of another year with 2012 coming to an end.  I cannot say that 2012 flew by, but it kind of did too.  This year has felt like it was a hundred years long to me, but I could not say what all happened either. What did happen is that I bought a new truck for myself, which is freaking awesome! She's not new as in model year, but new to me. I am very appreciative that I was able to buy a fairly new truck instead of something twenty or so years old.  Although I originally did not want to buy a truck on loan, however, if I am going to buy a house I will need to show consistent payments to something. I have missed my diesel truck, even more so with driving a gas truck that only gets 12 MPG on the freeway. Obviously there are a few things I can do to increase that mileage, however, I will get to that at another time.  On a bright side, since I buy all of my gas at Costco, I get a percentage back at the end of my membership year.  That roughly equates to a big rebate check thanks to $85 average tank fills. Win-Win!

I am happy to see 2012 go, although I don't feel the same way about leaving age 31 behind.  In January  I will be turning 32 and this is my first birthday that I am not looking forward to.  Why? Well, there are many reasons that I am not going to post on here, but a few are I feel a bit old now. My body just does not work like it did when I was a teenager and in my early 20s.  You could say that I am too young to feel old, but you have no idea what I have done with my body since being born.  I plan on going to the grave fully broken up, but I was hoping not to feel that until my 50s or 60s. LOL!  I think what snuck up on me is that fact that from 26 to 30, those years just poofed on me. I am not able to say where they went because it is top-secret -- no, I actually have no idea where they went. Those were some very busy years for me and I feel in some ways that time has just zoomed past me.  Also, turning 32 definitely means I am in my thirties now.

For this coming year, I have some decidedly big changes coming. For the first time in over a decade, I am moving away from Tacoma.  I love Tacoma, but too many foreigners have moved here and have made it something other than what Tacoma used to be.  It still is in some aspects a blue-collar, union proud city, but that is changing for the worse.  More white-collars live here now and even wussier men, unhappy & bitchier women, and oxygen thieving children. Yes, you can argue that they are everywhere, however, I just cannot stay in Tacoma any longer with these folks.  With that said, I am looking forward to my new place as soon as I can move.  Come January or December, in 2013 I am moving.  Another big change to come is finishing up my sister's kitchen remodel.  I started it several years ago, however, due to some structural issues all the money for the remodel had to go into the fixing the issue.  I was not able to complete it because of that and frankly no one had the free funds to put towards finishing it. Since we have been living with an unfinished kitchen, it actually allowed us to envision something that will benefit the house so much better. So, not only am I going to finish that bit, but we are moving the kitchen one more time that will make much more sense since the structural fixes have changed the layout of the house.  Because I have to work around those fixes and incorporate them into the overall design, it makes more sense to move the location of the kitchen, which really is not all that far away from where it is now.  Anyway, I told my sisters that I would finish the kitchen before the end of 2013.  Also, I am building a new shed to replace the one I built a few years ago. I am going to double its footprint and allow for a woodshed to store wood for the woodstove.  So I will have a busy year just on that alone.

So there you have it. The short list of some things that are to come and what have gone.  I am looking forward to 2013 and I hope I am working more steadily than I am now.  This year has sucked pretty hard for that.  I have a goal that I must accomplish by the end of five years from now and I am not going to let anything get in my way with getting there.  See you all next year!

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