Connor's long, sexy & furry back.
(Just look @ that sexy spine! lol) |
Yes, dog porn. Connor typically hates cameras and usually attempts to photo-bomb his own photos, so getting him to actually do this with a camera
on him is a miracle in itself, but not unheard of. Every now& then, on a blue moon, in a very distant solar system far unknown to us, he will ... do doggy softcore porn. Yes, yes. I know, "porn is the of the Devil." But that is neither here nor there.... It's not bad for such an aging pet of 12 or 13 years old. Well, now I can feel the strange, heated, disgusted looks I am getting from people all across the interwebz, so I will just let you all get to the dirty, dirty pictures and let the Devil work his magic over you. Enjoy!
(Very Bandwidth Heavy!)
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