Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring is here!

Minion -- yes, that is her name -- at the backdoor grateful
 for the a warm day to pounce upon one of her brothers.
Well, spring has arrived and I am very grateful!  Nothing beats the prospects of spring, summer, and fall.  My favorite three seasons of the four, however, that is not to say I do not enjoy Winter either.  I found this last winter particularly hard on me, but I could just be showing my age. :-P  With the warming spring sun and somewhat warm showers that comes with it, I have started my vegetable garden and already have my compost pile working.  However, that is just the being of my work for the season or two.

One of my projects is to take down my incomplete shed that I built several years ago and replace it with a bigger one. And actually complete it this time. I stopped working on it when I decided on taking a road trip with my uncle and just never returned back to it. I also have a kitchen remodel that needs to be finished up, however, I need to expand the permit for the bathroom as well since it has developed some serious issues in the last nine months. I really did not want to break into the bathroom remodel while I have a kitchen remaining unfinished, however, it cannot be avoided right now. Speaking of remodel, I also need to repair the shoddy electrical in this house. The previous remodel-er and owners really screwed up this house, but the house is over a hundred years old.