Monday, December 31, 2012
Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
I Need A Break....
Another one of our cats suddenly fell ill and died yesterday. Getting really tired of that. He was not terribly old, but never really well either. Too many strays in the neighborhood that are sick too. And they always feel the need to die in the yard or underneath the house. Luck for me, the last one did not.
Oh, ya ... lets not mention my dog. Grr!!!!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Overdue Update
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Let there be light!
Friday, July 13, 2012
An Electrifying Project
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
First harvest of strawberries
It Is Time For Doggy Porn!
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Connor's long, sexy & furry back. (Just look @ that sexy spine! lol) |
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
To Spreadsheet, Or Not To Spreadsheet?
This is quite the dilemma for me. I need to come up with either special program -- which I still have the skills for, or build a spreadsheet for some calculations. If I were to build an application for myself, I would need to sit down and plan it out thoroughly. On the other hand, spreadsheets require much less to nearly zero planning. They are all finished much sooner, quicker than an application. I guess it really comes down to what my specific needs are and if a spreadsheet can meet that criteria. Hmm.... I must geek on this. Geek, I must....
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Another Turning Day, Continued
Another Turning Day
*EDIT* Continued at Another Turning Day, Continue
Monday, June 4, 2012
Ah, What The Horse Sh*t!
Turning the piles on the outside into the center. Grass & straw on the left, horse manure & alfalfa hay on the right. |
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Comfrey Harvest
I shredded up some of what I got tonight and mulched it around my growing comfrey plants. My mom took some and mulched in around some of her plants. We used all five pounds and added the thick stalks to my compost pile.
What a Bitch!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Another Pile Started
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Russian Comfrey Discovery
I want to try this!
Here is another video, but part of a series.
PS -- if it sucks up so much nitrogen in the first year, just plant a nitrogen fixing plant.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Lasagna Garden, Maybe?
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Ingenious Creek Irrigation
My mom watering the piles. |
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Adventure In Raking
We dumped the truckload of grass clippings at home and split it somewhat evenly between the two compost piles here. I tell you, this is going to be real fun to turn this Wednesday. LOL! Anyway, we grabbed our last bale of straw to take back to my Aunt's to use in her piles. In less than three weeks, we have used all four bales that we bought. I guess we really did have a need for the stuff. Once back at my Aunt's, we formed up the piles. Each pile is 4-foot wide by 7-foot long and at least 3-foot deep. We placed them next to each other and one on top of a beehive that nested itself in a tree stump. All in all though, I had a ton of fun doing it even if I might hurt tomorrow. Honestly though, I do not mind being sore and I really got to work on the removal of my farmer tan. It is just ugly on me, seriously. Ugly! Now, I have an idea about using her creek as an irrigation source for her pasture area where these piles are located. I will report back later if it works out or not.
Friday, May 25, 2012
New Compost Pile
Here is my fourth compost pile for the spring and should be ready by the middle of July. Quite excited, to tell the truth. The other piles will be done in the next thirty days at the latest. I still needed more grass and soon more straw. lol never ending need.
Monday, May 21, 2012
No to Demo! Keep the 104 year old building.
First Congregational Church on Google Maps:
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A Good Move For Thea Foss Waterway
Warning: Rant below!
Seattle often feels the need to downgrade & cheapen what Tacoma does and lately many folks here are doing the same. Tacoma throughout its history has always gone off and done its own thing and from time to time, bailing out Seattle when Seattle got in over its head. I am quite proud about Tacoma and love this city. I digress, I am very happy that NuStar is funding Stan Selden's dream. One last thing about Seattle: Mt Rainier is NOT THAT LARGE BEHIND THE SPACE NEEDLE! Never Has Been. Never Will Be. I live approximately 50 miles from Mt. Rainier and Seattle is at least 75 miles from it. You can SEE the difference when in Seattle. Seattle is in King County. Tacoma & Mt. Rainier are in Pierce County. Shame on you, Seattle! Always pilfering shit that was never yours to begin with.
By the way, compasses rock! I have a tattoo of one planned for this year. Maybe I will incorporate "253" or Tacoma into it. We will see.
Thea Foss Waterway on Google Maps:
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A Normal Day in Pacific Northwest
A lovely rainy morning (Heading South from Federal Way) |
Anyway, driving south towards home was rather nice. Traffic Northbound was completely fubar'd, but not so bad you could not get to work on time. Idiots -- cough, out-of-staters -- panicking and freaking out that it is raining after all of those blissful warm and sunny days. It happens just about every time it rains here after sunny weather.
Checked on my compost piles this morning. One is cooking just ever so happily, but the other is not. Not only is it not heating up very much, it has shrunk. Now, the shrinking is not a bad thing, but in combination with no heat, it means I am going to have to add more nitrogen to the mix. I was pretty sure my ratio was spot on, but maybe I carried the 1 when I should not have. Go figure. I have six trash bins full of grass at my Aunt's place ready for pick-up. I will add them shortly, since this rain is only going to make the grass around her house and in her field grow even faster once it passes.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Bonfire Pics
Bonfire, a set on Flickr.
Here are some pictures from my bonfire last night. I tried out some time-lapsed as well as aperture priority stills.
Hello Rain, Goodbye Sun!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Does "253" spell "Handgun"? Damn straight it does!
Pictures of the shirt that spells "253". (From NewsTribune) |
Is this the right symbol for Tacoma? (Tacoma News Tribune)
Russian Comfrey Pictures
Here are three of the slips that I received from Horizon Herbs the other day. I did not post a picture of them in the last entry so I am doing so now. Instead of receiving six, they sent me eight slips. How awesome is that!! They are all planted now and I will know if they'll take within two weeks time. Hopefully within the next seven to ten days.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
The Comfrey Slips Have Arrived!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Harvesting Compost Material
Monday, May 7, 2012
Tacoma's New Fireboat Saying What We All Know Too Well
If this country wants to see the next hundred or so years, we need to refocus our industries into making high-quality, durable goods. And with that, Americans need to take pride in their work. Every building I have worked on, no matter how big or how small the task was, I tried to take as much pride and apply as much skill as I could to it. I know that when a certain marina in Kirkland is bulldozed sometime in the future, there is a a wall or two that will no go so quietly. Why? I built the shit out of it, stronger than the prints said to and without expending any extra money to do it. With that said, that entire building is quality built not just from my efforts, because the entire crew's efforts were focused on quality, durability, and pride. Our focus should not be on how much money we can save, what the turn-over rate will be, and how fast we can get another person into the product to keep us afloat. That never works, except in scams. (Enron, anyone?)
There is nothing wrong with doing crap jobs as long as you know that the job might be crap, but the work is quality. I have worked with too many people with bad attitudes and even worse work ethics, only in it for the money. Nothing in life comes easy and especially not free. Everything requires sweat, ink, blood, or breath in payment. Hell, even Death requires you pay for it with your Life.
Camera Megapixels: Myths & Facts
Anyways, read the article because it is truly informative.
Camera megapixels: Why more isn't always better (Smartphones Unlocked)
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Foreigners, Go Home!
The other day, I was at Portland Ave Nursery looking for a particular Comfrey plant for my garden. While heading back to the car, a passing hail storm caught several people wanting to get to their cars. A woman bitched about the hail. Bitch, she did. it’s spring! Weather is unpredictable in early spring. Everyone knows this, and if you do not then there is always the option of OSLI. (Observe, Study, Look Intelligent.) In short, she “liked Arizona better”. Fine. Like all you want. In fact, move back there... quickly. This woman is not an isolated incident and not by far. These same people are changing my state! We are not the socially class-constricted East Coast or the loser confederate South. Could not care less what happens back east or down south, honestly. However, those same peoples somehow end up here for whatever reasons and attempt to recreate their culture here. Fuck your culture and leave my alone. PNW is PNW! If I do not say “Hi” walking down the street, I’m not being rude. I do not know you and I have nothing to say to you. If I wear a hoodie everywhere, I am not going to rob, stab, rape, and dissect you for some twisted. fun. Here in Washington State, we have layers of personalization that works for us. Some people get farther into our circles than others. We are fairly private people here. I have co-workers that know very little about me and I them, however, we are great work friends. Just how shit goes up here.
So I say again, I hate Foreigners and not the ones from other countries. Their sins can be forgiven and they often learn quickly, changing their ways. It is the Foreigners inside the USA that are the problem. I do not like you, I will not share my salmon with you, and most importantly I will not be very nice to you. And never will Atlantic Farmed Salmon crap ever be anywhere near as good as real Salmon!
Russian Pagan Metal Band: Arkona -- Good Shit!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Finally, The End!
My long ass day it now concluded. No more suicidal cats and crazy, crashing drivers for at least a few glorious hours.
More Crazy Drivers!
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why people are in a hurry to get places. It is not especially warm, sunny, rainy, or cold out which is the usual cause of "OMG! Imma die if I don't get where I need to go to!" syndrome.
This morning while driving by a church that was ramping up for mass, a little girl no older than nine or ten ran into the street in front of me. I was not doing more than 30 so stopping was not a big issue, however, the father of the child told me to slow down. Yes, that's me. Mister Fast & Furious here in my little while 225,000 mile car.
While I was in Puyallup earlier today, there was another set of drivers how just had to get in front of me even though I was technically speed at 45 MPH in a 35 zone. No, 45 was not enough; 55 is more like it. Coming back from Puyallup, same thing.
No, I am no Sunday driver and definitely distracted & inattentive while driving. I am in a minority of people who knows how to drive defensively as well as offensively (look at me bragging :-P ). However, I hate, hate, hate accidents because I HATE having the inconvenience of my car all bummed up. Okay, </rant>!
Good Morning Me!
Anyhow, while striving my sister to work I saw the shadow out of the corner of my right eye and my sister gasped, saying that I had just hit a cat. For some reason it had bolted into to the street and under my tires. I do not know if I hurt it too much because it ran off even twice as fast as it ran into the street. On my way back taking the same route, there was no sign of the it. A little bit later this morning I noticed that there were quite a few cats hit around town and the county. Who knows, maybe Mt. Rainier is getting ready to blow (over due), or we are finally going to have our Cascadia fault rupture that is so long over-due as well (15+ years).
Anyhow, this is just a little blurb about my crappy morning. I have since then had my coffee, and coffee usually does make me feel better.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I'm up, I'm up... Although I Wish I Was Not.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Beautiful Sunset
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Tis the Season For Composting!

Friday, April 20, 2012
Crazy drivers
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wide Ass Turns
I captured this lovely photo the other morning while returning home. It is from a dump truck leaving a massive public works project for Sound Transit off of Pacific & 25th street. It was too good not to snap a pic of. I love it when people do things like that.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Spring is here!
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Minion -- yes, that is her name -- at the backdoor grateful for the a warm day to pounce upon one of her brothers. |
One of my projects is to take down my incomplete shed that I built several years ago and replace it with a bigger one. And actually complete it this time. I stopped working on it when I decided on taking a road trip with my uncle and just never returned back to it. I also have a kitchen remodel that needs to be finished up, however, I need to expand the permit for the bathroom as well since it has developed some serious issues in the last nine months. I really did not want to break into the bathroom remodel while I have a kitchen remaining unfinished, however, it cannot be avoided right now. Speaking of remodel, I also need to repair the shoddy electrical in this house. The previous remodel-er and owners really screwed up this house, but the house is over a hundred years old.